Transport Committee hold second evidence session on safety at level crossings

04 November 2013
The Transport Committee will hold its second evidence session on safety at level crossings. This session will consist of panels from safety authorities and industry bodies, Network Rail and the Department for Transport.
- Parliament TV: Safety at level crossings
- Transport Committee
- Inquiry page: Safety at level crossings
Monday 4 November 2013, Grimond Room, Portcullis House
4.05 pm
- Bill Hillier, Director and Chairman of the Operating & Safety Committee, Heritage Railway Association
- Anson Jack, Deputy Chief Executive, RSSB
- Michael Woods, Head of Operations and Management Research, RSSB
- Carolyn Griffiths, Chief Inspector, Rail Accident Investigation Branch
- Ian Prosser, Director of Railway Safety and HM Chief Inspector of Railways, Office of Rail Regulation
- Robin Gisby, Managing Director, Network Operations, Network Rail
- Phil Verster, Route Managing Director, London North Eastern, Network Rail
- Stephen Hammond MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Transport
- Robin Groth, Deputy Director, Rail Technical, International & Safety, Department for Transport
- Chris Angell, Senior Policy Adviser, Railway Safety, Department for Transport
In the first evidence session for this inquiry, the Committee heard from relatives of level crossing accident victims. The Committee also heard about user behaviour and education, as well as the legal framework and policing of level crossings. The transcript and a link to the session video are available on the inquiry webpage.